Also, we understand pigeon behavior, the elements that attract them, the seasonal landscape materials that create temporary food sources for them, the types of shelter are attracted to, and just about everything else there is to know in order to do the job you need.
We have several exclusive methods for addressing your pigeon control needs, as well as the industry standard trapping and netting methods. We enforce the new county ordinance making it illegal for individuals to actively feed pigeons. We maintain our state and federal permits to allow us to use captive bred birds of prey as natural deterrents to haze, harass, displace, and occasionally capture pigeons from your property. Pigeons quickly recognize that plastic owls are not a threat; only the real thing has the desired effect and no one else has them. We come to your property on a regularly scheduled basis to reinforce the idea that your property is not a safe habitat for pigeons to settle, even if your property is otherwise a pigeon paradise. Bottom line is, we have all of the usual tools of the trade but better understanding of why some methods work better than others in different situations, and more importantly, we have some extra and exclusive tricks up our sleeves that none of our competitors in Las Vegas possess.
In a residential neighborhood if you’re having a pigeon problem the chances are so are your neighbors. Also, there’s a chance one of your neighbors is feeding pigeons either on purpose or unintentionally if they have outdoor pets that the pigeons steal food from. While we can come in and make your house the most undesirable one on the street and subcontract cleanup and custom exclusions, I feel we can’t give you the quick and permanent solution you’re looking to achieve by being a solo client in a neighborhood of people who are basically working against us. Since I am an extremely honest contractor and not willing to make promises or claims we might not be able to keep, we don’t even pretend to be able to handle a single home in a neighborhood and don’t want to take your hard-earned money for a service that will probably underwhelm your expectations.
We completely know pigeons and know infested neighborhoods are a setup for failure unless the whole HOA is on board and agreeable to the service. We have successfully controlled pigeons in entire subdivisions because we have room to work, authorization from everyone to operate across all of the homes in the neighborhood, and are able to remove birds up and down all of the common areas thereby establishing a no-fly zone that pigeons eventually learn to stay out of. Again, for a single house it’s nearly impossible, but for an entire neighborhood with the HOA’s blessing it’s game on!
Since capture and release can’t work and pigeons breed uncontrollably in urban settings, the dangers of overcrowding will quickly reduce the quality of life of all birds including other native species that share the urban habitat with feral pigeons. Permanently removing them without harming other native wildlife is necessary, bottom line. So that leaves us with only one choice—to trap and/or dispatch them in the most humane and ethical ways possible. Also, we are the only pigeon control company in Las Vegas that can claim to be recycling or re-purposing a portion of the removed pigeons for raptor food. Using the removed pigeons for food is arguably a much better (green) way to dispose of them rather than sending them to the local landfill to be a complete waste.
Others might claim they do the same, but ask them to show you pictures of their bird of prey facility or get a statement from a facility saying they are in fact receiving pigeons for food. We are aware of some copycat companies using similar claims to ours, but we are the only ones that we know of currently that can actually back them up with hard evidence. Bottom line is, it’s simple math that one pair of pigeons can turn into hundreds very quickly if left unchecked. By removing just one pair we can prevent a hundred more from being hatched and turning into a nuisance themselves.
Long story short, it’s too soon for anyone to claim to have a pigeon pheromone product to attract or repel feral pigeons. It sounds good, but that person would have discovered something so amazing that it’s ahead of our time for veterinarians, researchers, animal scientists, ornithologists, neurologists, pharmacologists, etc. Our opinion after evaluating the current evidence and from decades of experience raising and handling pigeons is that olfaction (sense of smell) is a non-factor when it comes to pigeon control.
What’s to say people from another city wouldn’t use this method to dump their unwanted pigeons into our backyard as well? If you want a no-kill solution, the only way to handle a problem is to use exclusions and scare tactics (preferably ones that work, like live birds of prey available to chase them) to eventually train the local pigeons that your property is unsafe. It would also require you to possibly change things about your landscaping or outdoor pet feeding habits to decrease the amount of available food, water, and shelter they have access to.
Habituating established birds into a new behavior of avoiding your property takes much longer than just removing the current residents and preventing new ones from coming in and settling down. It can theoretically be done, but it’s a much slower process and therefore much more expensive with less dramatic results that are likely to underwhelm your expectations.